Saturday, March 29, 2025
Bigg BossBigg Boss MalayalamBigg Boss Malayalam 2

Bigg Boss housemate encourage reshma & pradeep pair into a relationship

Bigg Boss Malayalam housemate encourage Reshma & Pradeep pair so it may blossom into a relationship.

Reshma Rajan seen applying hair dye on Pradeep Chandran hair. Slowly bigg boss housemates started teasing them. Both were enjoying the housemates conversations and also their face was blushing.

Veena say that she will try to get approval for marriage from their parents.Also she was asking them their birth sign.

Fukru did a kissing prank on Pradeep saying Reshma kissed him while she applying hair dye. Later fukru tells everyone that he only applied lipstick on Pradeep

 പ്രദീപിന്റെ ഹെയർ കളറിങ്ങിന് സഹായിയായി രേഷ്മ എത്തിയപ്പോൾ കാഴ്ച കാണാനായി ഒളിക്കണ്ണുകൾ

 പ്രദീപിന്റെ മുഖത്തെ കള്ളത്തരം നീരിക്ഷിക്കുന്ന ആര്യയും വീണയും ..!!

Pareekutty says Reshma and Pradeep are the new couple in the bigg boss house same as Pearle Maaney and Srinish Aravind from the last season.

ചരിത്രം ആവർത്തിക്കാൻ എല്ലാ സീസണിലും ഒരു പ്രണയജോഡി ബിഗ് ബോസ്സ് ഹൗസിൽ വേണം

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